
Roman History Essay Research Paper RomeThe LandItaly (стр. 2 из 2)

the foundation for the legal systems of many Western nations.

Augustus and later emperors kept the professional army. When peace prevailed

for a long period of time, Augustus reduced the number of legions and built up the

fighting force with troops recruited from the provincial peoples. There were only about

300,000 troops, which was not enough to defend a border with a length of 4,000 miles.

Because of this, by 160 A.D. invasions by peoples outside the empire had become a

problem to be delt with every day.


Roman Peace was dominate from 31 B.C. to A.D. 180. Great prosperity and

stability boosted trade and raised the standard of living for most citizens of the Empire.

To say that things were very good was not an understatement. Arts such as Italian

pottery, woven cloth, blown glass and jewelry went on sale to all people. Luxury items

like silk and spices from Southeast Asia was avaliable.. But with the prosperity came

many changes in the lifestyles of everyday citizens. The family became less significant

than it had been in the past. Romans had fewer children and divorced and remarried

often. In a nutshell, society became less stable.

With these changes came a pattern of life…wealthy people often held public

office, owned large farms, and generally had more influence over things. They also

lived more comfortably in large homes and farms. THe middle class grew.

Shopkeepers and artisans grew in number, but most Roman citizens remained poor,

living in shabby apartment buildings that often fell or burned down. But, depsite these

conditions, the poor did not revolt against the government because it gave them free

bread and entertainment. It was during this time that chariot races became very

popular in Rome. It seemed that the Romans were concentrated on having a good time

than actually working on bettering themselves.

The Appian Way, the first major Roman road, was built in the 300?s B.C. It

connected Rome and southeastern Italy. Many roads were built during this time to link

Rome with the provinces. This helped unite the empire.

Aqueducts, artificial channels for carrying water, were constructed by Roman

engineers. This was a giant breakrthrough toward modern water management.

As far as education goes in the Roman EMpire, wealthy boys and girls received

private lessons at home. The wealthy young men went on to study at academies where

former Greek slaves often taught. They learned geometry, astronomy, philosophy and

oratory. Girls continued to study at home, not in academies, and were just as educated

as the boys. Even kids in the lower classes had some education. They learned the

basic reading, writing and arithmetic skills needed to conduct business.

Latin was the language of the Roman Empire. I had a vocabulary far smaller

than that of Greek or modern English. Many words ment the same thing. Latin forms

the basis of many Romantic languages such as Italian, French, Spanish, and

Portuguese. It also is the root for half of all ENglish words.

Rome and Christianity

Early Romans worshiped nature spirits. Soon these spirits turned to deities.

Later, much of the Greek religion was taken on by the Romans. Deities still remained

an important part of their religious belief. Roman citizens were expected to honor the

emperor as Rome?s chief priest. But they were also allowed to worship freely so many

religions grew.

Christianity was one of those religions. It sprang up in the eastern

Mediterranean among the Jewish people. At first it was thought to be just a sect, or

group, within Judaism. But as Christains converted non-Jewish followers, the faith

grew beyond its Jewish roots and became a new religion.

Those practicing the new Christain religion in Judea were allowed to worship as

they wished, but were treated badly by the Roman EMpire. Christains believed that

their God would deliver them from Roman rule so they rebelled against the Roman

army in Jerusalem and overpowered them in A.D. 66. Another unsuccessful rebellion

followed. This caused the Romans to force the Jews out of Jeruselum, causing them to

scatter and live in other parts of the Mediterranean and the Middle East.

Before the rebellions, a man from Nazareth named Jesus brought his message

of love and forgivness to the people of Galilee and Judea. THe disciples that survived

after Jesus was put to death as a political rebel quickly spread Christianity among

non-Jews. It is believed that one of those deciples, Peter, actually established the first

Christain church in Rome. But Christains were persecuted. THe Romans were afraid

that Christain teachings rejected their deities. Many Christains were killed during this

time. Romans frequently threw Christain martyrs into the stadiums to be killed by wild

animals in front of cheering crowds. THis was a popular entertainment for Romans

during this time.

THe Roman general Constantine did much to spread CHristainity among the

Romans. He claimed that he had a vision in which the symbol of the cross had great

power to lead him to victory in battle. He ordered his soldiers to paint the Christain

symbol of the cross on their shields. WHen he won, he called it a victory for the

Christain God.

He became emperor of Rome in A.D. 312. He began protecting Christainity and

those who practiced it. He even ordered churches to be built in Rome and Jerusalem.

During this time missionary work flurished with the support of the government. MAny

churches were built and Christianity increased its influence in the Roman world. In

A.D. 392 the Emperor Theodosius made Christianity the official religion of the Roman

Empire. He banned the old Hellenistic and Roman religions.

EArly on Christians realized that in order to prosper they had to be organized.

THey wrote down their beliefs clearly in order to avoid differences of opinion that might

divide the church. Important men of religion attempted to explain Christian beliefs.

THey were known as Church Fathers. Augustine, a scholar born in North Africa in A.D.

354, was one of the most respected of the religious scholars. He became a leading

church official in North Africa. He wrote many influential letters, poems and sermons.

As the Christian church grew it began to organize itself into a hierarchy. It?s

levels of authority was built with each level being more powerful than the one below it.

Local gatherings, known as parishes, were led by priests. Several parishes got

together to form diocese, each overseen by a bishop. THese bishops interpreted

Christian beliefs for the people. Bishops from the major cities such as Rome were

known as patriarchs. These men were very powerful, determining what beliefs were

true and what were fals doctrine. In the 400s A.D. the bishop of Rome began to think

he was more powerful than the other bishops…that he should have more say in the

church?s affairs. Today the bishop of Rome is known the Pope.