The Internet Essay, Research Paper
Information has long been sought out by many generations throughout time. It is a
powerful tool that has often been hard to find, until the evolution of the Internet. The Internet has
brought the world to the fingertips of millions world-wide. What used to take days or years to
find, a person with the knowledge and ability may find in mere minutes of searching on the
Internet. But along with the value it brings, there are also many dark sides. Pornography,
stalkers, hackers, and other forms of evil are also prowling the Internet, many times on children.
Millions of households are now connected to the information superhighway, with many of
the parents ?computer illiterate.? These parents rely on their children?s knowledge of computers
and the Internet to show them the ropes. Often times the freedom that the children are given on
the Internet is put to good use in educational activities, such as games, chatting, and tutorials on
any subject that they may encounter in school. Parents often supervise their children while they
are on-line, but there are some times that children are able to get connected, such as when the
children have the computer in their room.
Without the proper supervision, children can often times find vulgar material on the
Internet. They might innocently click on a banner that is advertising on a web-site that looks safe,
but often times these banners can be a link to a site with elicit material. The children were drawn
in by the attractive banner to a site that is not meant to be viewed by them. This is also true for
many of the chat rooms that they might wander into where pedophiles may be lurking, often lying
about their age to get close to the children.
Although there are many misleading and improper sites on the Internet, the overall value
cannot be looked past. The information provided to children of today is far greater than what was
offered just a few years ago. Children are now given an advantage that many adults did not have.
I believe that children growing up in a home with and Internet connection have a definite
advantage, as long as they are properly supervised and warned of the evils lurking in cyberspace.