
Anatomy Essay Research Paper Overview of Anatomy (стр. 3 из 3)

Cranium – brain case (has 8 bones):

1. Frontal Bone – forehead.

2./3. Parietal Bones – bulging top side of the cranium.

4./5. Temporal Bones – house the middle & inner ear structures.

6. Occipital Bone – creates the framework of the lower back part

of the skull.

7. Sphenoid Bone – resembles bat wings.

8. Ethmoid Bone – forms bony area between the nasal cavity &

the orbits of the eyes.

Face – (has 14 bones):

1./2. Maxillae Bones – upper jaw (upper lip); one on each side.

3. Mandible Bone – lower jaw.

4./5. Zygomatic Bones – cheeks

6./7. Nasal Bones – bridge of the nose; one on each side.

8./9. Lacrimial Bones – helps form tear ducts.

10./11. Inferior Nasal Conchae Bones – ledge protecting the nasal


12. Vomer Bone – completes the nasal septum.

13./14. Palatine Bones – hard plate within the mouth.

Appendicular Skeleton – consists of 126 bones.

Classwork (pgs. 204-213) February 25, 1999

?Regions of the Spinal Column?

Hyoid Bone – is below the skill, attached to the bottom of the tongue;

single bone in the neck above the larynx & below the mandible; not

attached to any other bone in the body (sesamoid).

Spinal Column; divided into three types of vertebrae:

Cervical Vertebrae – neck (has 7 bones).

Thoracic Vertebrae – found in the posterior part of the chest or the

thorax (has 12 bones).

Lumbar Vertebrae – found in the small of the back (has 5 bones).

Sacrum – below the vertebral column, a single bone resulted by a fusion

of 5 separate vertebrae.

Atlas – is at the top of the vertebral column, the head sits upon it; has no

body & no spinous processes

Axis – is below the atlas; has a body & a spinous processes.

Coccyx – is below the sacrum, consists of 4 bones fused together (is a tail


Sternum – is the media part of the anterior chest.

Ribs – 12 pairs or 24; in front (anterior), each of the first 7 ribs joins a

costal cartilage that attach to the sternum. Then the next 3 join the

cartilage of the ribs before, so they are attached to the sternum directly.

The 11th & 12th pairs do not attach & are called floating ribs.

Classwork (pgs. 214-227) February 26, 1999

?Appendicular Skeleton?

Bones of the limbs & their girdles are collectively called the appendicular

skeleton because they are appended to the axial skeleton that forms the

longitudinal axis of the body.

Pectoral (Shoulder) Girdle

Shoulder Girdle – consists of two bones, the anterior clavicle & the

posterior scapula.

Clavicles – collar bones, are slender, doubly curved long bones that can

be felt along their entire courses as they extend horizontally across the

superior thorax.

Scapulae – shoulder blades, are thin, triangular flat bones.

The Upper Arm

Humerus – (arm) articulates proximally with the scapula at the shoulder, &

distally with the radius & ulna at the elbow.

Radius – on the thumb side, has two proximal articulations, the humerus,

& ulna.

Ulna – on the little finger side, articulates proximally with the humerus &

the radius, & distally with cartilage.

7 carpals – wrist.

5 metacarpals- framework of the hand.

14 phalanges – fingers.

Pelvic (Hip) Girdle

Hip Girdle- formed by a pair of coxal bones, which consists of three bones,

which are separate during childhood & fused together during adulthood):

Ilium – the large flaring bone that forms a major portion of a coxal


Ischium – forms the posteroinferior part of the hip bone.

Pubis – forms the anterior portion of the os coxa.

The Lower Limb

Femur – (thigh bone), is the largest, longest, & strongest bone in the body.

Tibia – the longest & strongest bone in the lower leg; articulates proximally

with the femur, & distally with the fibula & talus.

Fibula – is smaller & more deeply placed, proximally articulates with the


7 tarsal – ankles.

5 metatarsals – flat part of the foot.

14 phalanges – toes.

Classwork (pgs. 261-262) March 05, 1999

?General Function of the Muscular System?

There are four general functions of the skeletal system.

Movement – either body as a whole or parts of the body.

Heat Production – muscles produce heat — since there are so many

muscles, they are one of the most important parts of the mechanisms

for maintaining homeostasis.

Posture – continual partial contraction of muscles allow for standing,

sitting, ect.

Stabilizing Joints – muscles help keep everything in place.

There are four characteristics that enable skeletal muscle tissue to


Excitability – the ability to be stimulated, this causes them to be able to

respond to regulatory mechanisms, such as nerve signals.

Contractility – the ability to shorten, which allows muscles to pull on

bones & produces movement.

Extensibility – the ability to stretch & return to the resting length.

Elasticity – the ability of the muscle fiber to resume to its resting length

after being stretched.

Skeletal muscle cells, are composed of bundles of skeletal muscle fibers

that extend the length of the muscle. They are long cells. They have the

same structural parts as other cells, but they have different names:

Sarcoma – cell membrane.

Sarcoplasmic Reticulum – endoplasmic reticulum.

Sarcoplasm – cytoplasm, it contains mitochondria & many nuclei.

Myofibrils, are bundles of long fibers. They are made up of thick & thin


Homework (pgs. 263-265) March 05, 1999


Most muscles span joints & are attached to bones (or other structures) in

at least two places & when a muscle contracts, the movable bone, the

muscle?s insertion, moves toward the immovable are less movable bone,

the muscles origin. In the muscles of the limbs, the origin usually lies

proximal to the insertion.

Muscle attachments, whether origin or insertion, may be direct or indirect.

In direct attachments, the epimysium of the muscle is fused to the

periosteum of a bone or perichondrium of a cartilage. In indirect

attachments, the muscle?s connective tissue wrappings extend beyond the

muscle as a rope-like tendon or a flat, broad aponeurosis. The tendon or

aponeurosis anchors the muscle to the connective tissue covering of a

skeletal element (bone or cartilage) or to the fascia of other muscles. The

temporalis muscle of the head has both direct & indirect (tendinous)


Of the two, indirect attachments are much more common in the body

because of their durability & small size. Since tendons are mostly tough

collagenic fibers, they can cross rough bony projections which would tear

apart the more delicate muscle tissues. Because of their relatively small

size, more tendons than fleshy muscles can pass over a joint — thus,

tendons also conserve space.


When viewed at high magnification, each muscle fiber is seen to contain a

large number of rod-like myofibrils that run in a parallel fashion & extend

the entire length of the cell. Each are 1-2 m in diameter, the myofibrils are

so densely packed that the mitochondria & other organelles appear to be

squeezed between then. There are hundreds to thousands of myofibrils in

a single muscle fiber, depending on its size, & they account for about 80%

of the cellular volume. The myofibrils are the contractile elements of the

skeletal muscle cells.

Striations, Sarcomeres, & Myofilaments

Striations – a repeating series of dark & light bands, are evident along the

length of each myofibril. The dark bands are called A bands because they

are anisotropic; that is, they can polarize visible light. The light bands,

called I bands, are isotropic, or non polarizing. In an intact muscle fiber,

the myofibril bands are nearly perfectly aligned with one another & this

gives the cell as a whole a stripped (striated) appearance.

Each A band has a lighter stripe in the midsection called the H zone

(bright). The H zones are visible only in relaxed muscle fibers. Each H zone

is bisected by a dark line called the M line. The I bands also have a mid-line

interruption, a darker area called the Z discs. A sarcomere is the region of

the myofibril between two successive Z discs. About 2 m long, the

sarcomere is the smallest contractile unit of a muscular fiber. Thus, the

functional units of the skeletal muscle are actually very minute

proportions of the myofibrils, & the myofibrils are chains of sarcomeres

aligned end-to-end like boxcars in a train.

If we examine the banding pattern of a myofibril at the molecular level, we

see that it arises from an orderly arrangement of two types of even

smaller structures, called filaments or myofilaments, within the

sarcomeres. The thick filaments extend the entire length of the A band.

The more lateral thin filaments extend across the I bands & part way into

the A band. The Z discs, also called a Z line, is a coined shaped protein

sheet that anchors the thin filaments & also connects each myofibril to the

next throughout the width of the muscle cell. The H zone of the A band

appears less dense when viewed microscopically because the thin

filaments do not overlap the thick ones in this region. The M line in the

center of the H zone is slightly darker because of the presence of fine

strands that hold adjacent thick filaments together in that area.

A longitudinal view of the mylofilaments is a bit misleading because it gives

the impression that each thick filament interdigitates with only four thin

filaments. In areas where thin & thick filaments overlap, each thick

filament is actually surrounded by a hexagonal arrangement of six thin
