
Multiculturalism Essay Research Paper Multiculturalism Our

Multiculturalism Essay, Research Paper


Our country was founded on the belief that all men are created equal. This was meant for everyone. When our country was founded, many different cultures existed in our land. We abused other cultures because we did not understand them. The United States today is much different. We are a ?melting pot? of cultures. Although our country was founded predominately by Caucasian males, our country today is run by men and women of all sorts of different ethnic backgrounds. This is why our country can be run so effectively. We understand many different cultures simply because we live with them everyday. Some argue that we need to keep people from being able to come into our country because they are not Americans. However, Americans are not defined by common race or ethnicity, but defined as a set of people who believe they are free and want to have a say in their government. If someone from any culture can considered American, multiculturalism has not exceeded the purpose for which it was intended. In our constitution it states that “all men are created equal,” our nation was built by more than one culture, and the intentions of the idea of multiculturalism are to make the world totally free of any type of bigotry or racism.

The constitution, stating that all men are created equal, explains the general idea of multiculturalism. Every person has the opportunity to do whatever he or she wants with their lives and their families. The individual has the same rights as any other person in our country. Every person?s rights and beliefs are also protected by the United States and each person can express themselves or advertise their culture.

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