
Computer Engineering Essay Research Paper IntroductionComputers are

Computer Engineering Essay, Research Paper

Introduction-Computers are changing the world as we know it, and they provide an interesting field of occupations.

I. Definition of a computer engineer

A. Definiton

B. Creation of new jobs

II. Change in society

A. Internet

B. Advertising

C. Web sites

D. Chat rooms

III. Community and technology

A. Schools

1. Homework

2. College applications

B. Church

IV. New technology

A. RealAudio

B. Video conferencing

C. Web browsers

D. New techology and businesses

V. Computers as a new industry

A. Early advantages

B. Experience coming into computers

C. People taught themselves

VI. Businesses now demand skills

A. Prior experience

B. Good job outlook

C. Shortage of workers

D. Universities work with businesses

VII. Training

A. Associates degree or certification

B.Areas of good training centers

1. Boston

2. Silicon Valley

C. Careful selection of school

VIII. Pay scale

A. 50 percent more than other engineers

B. Talent and pay

C. Average salary

D. Area and pay

IX. Pros

A. Advancement

B. Money

C. Cutting edge of techology

D. Change

X. Cons

A. Working conditions and hours

B. Pressure and deadlines

C. Adapting

Conclusion-Computers are changing the world as we know it, and they offer an exciting new way of working.

The news represented a complete turnaround for the corporate giant. Microsoft Chairperson, Bill Gates publicly announced his company’s new connection to the Internet. The announcement rang through the nation. Gates has consistently ignored the Internet in favor of desktop computing. So, with Microsoft’s approval, computers kicked into even higher gear (Gates, 72). The pace of innovation continues to astonish even those involved from the start. If one wants to find enthusiasm, intellect, hard work, and imagination; then computers is the place to be (D Angelo, 49).

Computer engineers build and design computers and computer-related media (OCIS). A constantly changing career, computer engineering is offering more jobs now than ever before (Butler, 33). Webmaster, HTML programmer, JAVA programmer, Online Content Developer. Five years ago such job titles didn’t exist, but then neither did

the work thousands of people are engaged in today (Marcus, 54). Once upon a time, computer programmers and electrical engineers were the only computer-related jobs. Now more jobs such as marketing, sales, product development, human resources and finance have joined the list of technological jobs (Moran and Hornung, 43).

There has been a surprising change in society, which computer engineering has brought about (Moran and Hornung, 43). The Internet in particular is changing every activity of our daily lives. Today just about every advertisement on television, radio and in print, carries a web address. It is not unusual for consumers to research a purchase on the Internet before buying. Websites offer thousands of pages of detailed information. Chat rooms and news groups attract many people with opinions that they want to share (Marcus, 54-55).

Schools are even online. Homework assignments are posted over the Internet. High-school students fill out college applications and submit them with a click of a mouse. There are chat rooms and news groups for everything imaginable. Books, watches, recordings, clothes, shoes, crafts and vacations are sold over Internet. Even churches rage their members to log on for their latest news (Marcus, 55).

Last year, new technology made it possible for millions of Internet users to listen to speeches or traditional radio programs on their computers. That is, thanks to RealAudio, a technology which converts radio into digital sound. If that weren’t enough, video broadcasts and video-conferencing are being done over the Internet rather than by traditional means (Marcus, 55). The newest versions of web browsers allow people all over the world to hold video-conferences and do other tasks simultaneously (Marcus, 55). Businesses worldwide have learned to take advantage of the technology and have begun

to work 24 hours a day. Work started in the far east can be sent west and onward before the sun sets (D Angelo, 50).

As with any new industry, the first job holders gained the most advantage (Butler, 23). In its beginning, computer engineering welcomed anyone who was smart and eager to learn (Laurance, 19). People taught themselves the skills needed to create web pages

(D Angelo, 50). They came to computer engineering with degrees in physics, English, marketing, biology, journalism, graphic design and maybe computer science. They might have had experience working in television production or as a newspaper editor. Their knowledge and experience grew with the industry (Laurance, 21).

Now some companies won’t hire anyone without HTML skills (D Angelo, 51). Others are demanding several years of prior experience in a computer-related field (Laurance, 23). The job outlook for computer engineering looks promising. There are many opportunities for work in computer engineering. Though experienced talent is available, and is highly sought after, it is limited (Johnson, Interview). One of an employer’s major challenges today is keeping talented employees from moving to another firm. Companies are working with universities and colleges to shape course work so it will produce a people to fill positions to fit their needs (D Angelo, 52-53).

Typically, training for computer engineering requires a two-year associate s degree or an 18-month certification program from a technical college (D Angelo, 54). The best technical colleges in the country tend to be located in the larger cities, for they have

updated training centers. Colleges in the northeast, around Boston for example, are decent technical institutes to attend. Of course, there is also Silicon Valley, and many places on the west coast that offer the very best education (Johnson, Interview). However, there are

many other schools throughout the country that have excellent training centers for computer-related occupations (Blair, Interview). Be careful when selecting a school, as computer engineer labels many workers in the computer industry. Be sure to read the course descriptions of whatever university that you choose (OCIS).

Anyone working in computer engineering can look forward to a great ride, working with imaginative people whose minds are constantly thinking of new ideas (Johnson, Interview). Salaries continue to increase as time goes on. Several surveys show that engineers working with computers can earn 50 percent more than other engineers (Butler, 67). Of course, the pay scale goes by how talented you are. This involves the amount of schooling and experience you have obtained (Johnson, Interview). The average salary for all computer engineers is about sixty to seventy thousand a year. More talented workers can make up to 200 hundred to 300 thousand a year (OCIS). Pay also reatly

depends on the area in which you work. People that work in larger cities, such as New York or Boston tend to make more money (Blair, Interview).

There is room for incredible advancements in the computer industry. There are big opportunities and big money to be made by a computer engineer who lives and breathes a computer business passion. And to succeed in this business takes that kind of passion because the technology is changing by the hour (Johnson, Interview). A computer

engineer is always on on the cutting edge of technology. Constant change makes computer engineering a demanding line of work. Every day offers new challenges and experiences, which relieves the boredom of the daily grind that many experience with other jobs. An engineer may spend one day helping design systems and the next giving technical support to the gentle consumer (Blair, Interview).

Computer engineering offers variety. Work settings and hours are never uniform, which may not always be the best. There is little relaxation time in the computer world due to constant pressure and deadlines (Blair, Interview). Anyone wishing to work in the field

must be ready for long hours and maybe some uncomfortable working conditions. Some computer engineers work seventy to eighty hours a week (Johnson, Interview). That s almost double of what the average occupation requires! It is also important to have the ability to grasp new ideas and adapt to them quickly. Somewhere in the world, at any

moment, a sharp-witted person is putting another new idea up on the web (D Angelo, 56).

Modern technology is changing mankind s way of life, and at the forefront, computers are paving the way (Marcus, 56). New media and technology offer new, and exciting jobs allowing humans to live at the speed of light. Computers have advanced our civilization and from now on, nothing will ever be the same (Gates, 75). One thing is certain. Computer engineering will not be the same five years from now . . . maybe not even in five minutes.

Works Cited

Ohio Career Information Service. Computer software. Company, year. Mac G3, 4G, hard drive.

Blair, Gary. Internet interview. 16 Mar. 1999.

Butler, Diane. Future Work: Where To Find Tomorrow s High-Tech Jobs Today. New York, NY: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1984.

D Angelo, Laura. Jump Start Jobs. Futures Spring 1999: 49-58.

Gates, Bill. Bill Gates New Rules. (From Business @ The Speed of Thought: Using a Digital Nervous System, by Bill Gates. Copyright 1999 by William H. Gates III.). Time 22 Mar. 1999: 72-84.

Johnson, Warren. Phone interview. 14 Mar. 1999.

Laurance, Robert. Electronic Service Careers. New York, NY: Watts, 1987.

Marcus, David L. E-Mail Nation. U. S. News & World Report 22 Mar. 1999: 54-62.

Moran, Richard A., and Hornung D. Mark. Opportunities in Microelectronics Careers. Chicago, IL: National Textbook Company, 1985.