Legalities aside, gay parents–and those who disapprove of gay families–are also concerned about issues of the children’s emotional development. Most same-sex parents say they make a special effort to ensure that their kids learn to relate to adults of the opposite sex. Psychologists say the best time to tell kids how their families are different is either in childhood or in late adolescence. Young adolescents– from about ages 11 to 15–are particularly vulnerable because they are struggling with their own issues of sexual identity. . (Kantrowitz,B.1996)
Societal Acceptance
The Road Leading To Today
Many experts agree that homosexuality has existed as long as human beings themselves, although the attitude towards them has undergone dramatic changes in some countries. Accepted by many societies during Greek and Roman era, most of the time homosexuals were considered to be sinners and criminals. In Medieval and modern periods homosexuals were prosecuted. Enlightenment brought some liberation, substituting death penalty for imprisonment. And, in Nazi Germany so-called “doctors” tried to “cure”gays by the ways of castration .Until 1973 attempts to find a cure against homosexuality, viewed as a disease, were continued. This controversial issue can be seen even today reaching into political campaigns.
“Vice-President Gore says ‘gay and lesbian couples should be able to form civil unions, which would give them the same rights and benefits afforded to married couples under state law’. Vermont enacted such a law last April, the first state to do so. But Gore also says he ’supports the Defense of Marriage Act, a law signed by President Clinton in 1996 that allows states to deny recognition to same-sex marriages performed in other states.(NBCi. 2000.)
Homosexual Education
Increasing Awareness For All Students
Teaching sex education in public schools alone has become a very controversial subject with some parents and community members. So, one can only imagine the reaction to the issue of teaching homosexuality in the sex education curriculum . Is important because it affects all children. Some educators believe that it is important while teaching sex education to help the students unlearn negative feelings and stereotypes about gay and lesbian people (Roleff , T. 1999).
‘”On the other hand, other educators feel certain that teaching children to be open-minded about gays undermines the authority of the parents who consider homosexuality to be morally wrong (Roleff, T.1999).
Providing Materials For The Alternative-family Child
Although an estimated 6 to 14 million children live with a sexual minority parent, it is apparent that these children’s needs are not being entirely met by school efforts to be more inclusive. This study examined: (1) how well or poorly the resources of elementary and middle school libraries meet the needs of these children; and (2) what educators’ views and ideas are for implementing curriculum changes and support services for these students. Availability of library books and other school related materials depicting alternative family experiences and lifestyles was assessed in a cross-section of schools. (Rubin, S. 1995.)
In conclusion, with the emergence of so many new alternative family lifestyles it is not surprising that homosexual families would be the center of so much controversy. The issues border on civil rights to morality and ethics to discriminating on the constitution. And, although many people do not agree with this particular lifestyle it is not for one to pass judgment on others and refuse them rights that he himself would refuse to give up. So, therefore it is in this author’s opinion that everyone be they Homo or heterosexual, minority or majority be allowed the same basic rights as their counterparts, because only then can a population claim to be “created equal”.
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