Turman Show Essay Essay, Research Paper
Paradise Lost : The Truman Show & The Garden of Eden
Cristof’s creation and the Garden of Eden parallel on many accounts and
throughout both the simalarities and difference became quite clear . The two worlds
had many elements of utopian thought which makes both worlds perfect . Furthermore ,
that element , utopianism , would make anyone want to leave because through reality
we learn nothing is real .
Throughout “The Truman Show ,” and The Garden of Eden there were many
elements that had simlarities between the two worlds of utopia . In the Truman Show and
The Garden of Eden we saw that there was no violence , no crime, no hatred , no
destruction . An example of how The Truman Show had no elements of crime , hatred
or violence was whenever something bad happend , it was all an act that seconds later
was cleaned up . For example , when Truman went to see what was beyond there was
traffic . Second later in the same place , there was none . In the Garden of Eden , the
reason for no violence , destruction and hatred was simply because that there was only
Adam and Eve . Adam and Ever were alone , no one to influence them …. so they
thought . Another example of similarities was how Seanhaven was the perfect living
environment . Seahaven had everything that anyone that doesn’t know about the outside
world would want such as : places to go to let out frustrations , places to enjoy
themselves but more importantly they made believe that it was reality . The Garden of
Eden has many of the same environmental facts as Seahaven such as the fact that
everything that Adam and Eve needed they received simply because everything was
provided . Adam and Eve needed nothing more then to kill or take what they needed
from the society which in every way was perfect . The final part that had many similar
elements between “The Truman Show ,” and The Garden of Eden was the fact that both
Seahaven and The Garden of Eden had one Lord or Creator . Seahaven had Cristof as
its sole creator . The Garden of Eden as we all know is God who was the know all and
end all.
The characters , Truman & Adam and Eve , where persuaded by different
reaons but never the less curiousity made them want to experience the joys of new
experiences and new life they only dreamed of . In the case of The Garden of Eden
and Adam and Eve the reason was that little voice in the back of your head telling
you that everything is going to turn out better then how it started . In the Garden of
Eden , the little voice just happend to be The Devil himself . The Devil persuaded
Adam and even into going into the forbidden tree to eat some forbidden fruit . He
didn’t haveto beg and plead , he didn’t have to make offers . All he had to do was
say that its new , its exciting , its something you want . Truman had an influence , not
quite like the one Adam and Eve had , but never the less an influence . His influence
was his love outside of the show . The women he met for brief seconds in one of his
shows has become the reason for being . Everytime he was on TV , she sat and
watched with great anticipation . Especially when he was in the proccess of creating a
composite picture of her so he could never forget her . Truman and Adam & Eve had
one main similarity , that being the curiousity of living outside of the perfect world .
Truman started to realize that sometimes with life you rather live through the bad
only to know that the good is actually there . Its the whole reality issue where when
something happends that is so good and keeps you so high off the ground that you
lose touch with reality , imagine living in that world . That is what Truman lives every
day . The thought of saying the same thing over and over again to the point where it
sounds like a recording was not something that Truman wanted to live through the rest
of his life things like ” Good Mourning , and if I don’t see ya , have a good afternoon ,
a good evening and a good night ,”(The Truman Show) was not something that Truman
wanted to keep living .At the end of the movie , we see that Truman used that to show
Cristof he was tired of the same old thing . Tired of living through that , that is why he
went through the door and ended by saying ” If I don’t see ya , have a good afternoon ,
good evening and good night “(The Truman Show).The curiousity in which Adam &
Eve fell prey to was being gullible to what seemed to good to be true . They wanted
something different then what they wanted . They needed some change and when the
option came about to try this tree , they needed little to no pulling of the toe to do it .
The reaon for doing such an act was simple , the idea of trying something new was more
appealing then living , to us , seeming to be the perfect life .
The difference’s between Truman’s belief and thoses of Adam & Eve’s belief
in what they were gaining differed tremendously . The Garden of Eden was a place of
perfection . Thoses of a christian religion believe that this place was our Eldorado so
to speak . When Adam & Eve lost this place it was believed that Adam & Eve were
depressed at what they lost and were certainly not excited about what they were going
to gain . Imagine living in the riches area in the world and all of a sudden you are moved
to a ghetto . To some people what you have is a kingdom but after you have lived the
good life younever ever want to go near anything less than that but because of the
greedy-ness of Adam & Eve , we ended up being a part of a world that is exactly what
Adam & Eve never wanted . One of pollution , violence , hatred , destruction and of
war . Truman on the other hand believed in what he was gaining was the best thing in the
world . Finally Truman was about to get what he wanted , REALITY . Truman rathered
the world he was gonna receive because finally he could be himself . Finally he could
live a life that was not pre-conceived . Truman idea of an ideal world was different from
that of Adam & Eve because of the simple fact that Truman thought that reality , our
reality , was real rather than believing the philosphy of Adam & Eve which was the
perfect world was a world of harmony .
The belief may have been different but Adam & Eve as well as Truman lived in
the perfect world . Adam & Eve believed nothing was better . Truman believed nothing
else could be worst . In comparing both story and movie we learn that sometimes life is
not worth living unless its real .
The Truman Show (Directed by Pete Weir )
Date : 1997;
Adam and Eve (Church Classes );