
Views On Eating Disorders Essay Research Paper

Views On Eating Disorders Essay, Research Paper

Views On Eating Disorders

It is utterly amazing how certain books can influence a reader s point of view on a matter for discussion. An excellent example is shown in Wendy Shalit s, A Return to Modesty. Similar to other authors, Shalit cleverly expresses her view on numerous subjects. The awing focus of the book is the fact that she easily mentions topics that may seem indecent to many readers, despite our present society. A 23-year old discussing sex, marriage, adultery along with comparable themes may seem inexperienced to older critics, yet understandable to younger ones. Without a doubt, the content of the book can attract disagreeing readers willing to oppose Shalit s beliefs. Shalit decidedly describes an often-misunderstood argument, eating disorders. However, she seems to somehow imply a large view of feminism on the course of the problem. Shalit s view can somewhat be understood, but having known a sufficient number of people with the disorders, other much different motives come to mind. The roots to the predicament are family, media, and depression.

Many aspects in a woman can make her feel self-conscious. At a young age, girls are expected to fulfill a particular image that is expected by society. Even though times have changed, Shalit explains how women continue to helplessly fall into situations that are due to their appearance. From noticing college students make instant trips to the restroom after a meal to having a stranger ask her about a possible eating disorder, Shalit acknowledges today s society. Oddly enough, Shalit believes that women make the turning point to anorexia and/or bulimia in order to lose a womanly figure, with the goal of becoming unattractive. The author s point can be questioned. For example, many mothers demonstrate a yearning for perfection in appearance in front of their young girls. By constantly mentioning how a girl is supposed to be beautiful, a mother can brain wash a child making him or her worry about the effects of food on the human body. For that reason, Shalit s explanation may not be understood. Achieving the “perfect look” does not have the purpose of frightening men.

The majority of people agree that televisions, magazines, and radios are for entertainment value. Unfortunately, it now plays an important role in manipulating women to drastic measures. A day does not go by without an advertisement for a new “diet miracle.” Unhealthy-looking models are described as “gorgeous”, which makes others extremely insecure about themselves. The main problem is that the picture of the “ideal” woman given by the media is unrealistic. Numerous models and actresses starve in order to fit the expected image. Would it make sense to say that they do it to look unappealing to the public? It is definitely hard to believe due to the fact that the appearance they prevail practically determines their job.

Shalit s view on eating disorders can be related to the effects of depression. After failing in attempts of changing one s body image, one may want to surrender and not care about appearance at all. These thoughts can not only make one feel unattractive, but also want to have a bad appearance to others. Surely, if a person is depressed, he or she sees himself or herself as ugly anyway. The point of eating disorders reaching depression is one of the ultimate ones. By that point, someone should have noticed a problem and obtained a form of guidance. Shalit s opinion on eating disorders can tie into depression easier since it would involve not caring for anything. Fortunately, it is now much more common to treat certain disorders before it is too late.

Having to be embarrassed of one s own body is not a pleasant thought. Sadly, Shalit makes it seem that people affected by eating disorders surround her almost every hour of the day. Without having to criticize the evolution of women in society, Shalit, much like the man that approached her with questions, could have made an attempt at making a difference in a person needing help. She must admit that women have come a long way since the days when they were not capable of many things. Knowing that there are successful women out in the world, much like herself, should make her proud.