
Appeasment Sources Question Essay Research Paper 1 (стр. 2 из 2)

the space of one year, Britain had gone from a nation of people who believed in

Hitler and his promises, to a nation which was no longer prepared to stand by

and let him take what he wanted, and, as Churchill said, they were ?in the

presence of a disaster?.? The only way

to let out the British resentment on Hitler was with a war.7.???????? The employment of

appeasement by Chamberlain was considered by some to be? right, and by others to be a disaster.? There is no right or wrong answer, but I

believe that on the whole, appeasement was a mistake. ??????????? Germany,

according to many, deserved a fair deal, after the very harsh Treaty of

Versailles.? They had every right to get

back their people and land.? This is

backed up in source E, where Henderson, although in this case, is criticising

the Treaty with regard to Czechoslovakia, must therefore think that it was

wrong with regard to Germany too.? On

the other hand, if Germany got her land back, she would be stronger.? The strength, new forces and resources

coupled with the insatiable desire for more land meant that Hitler would be an unstoppable

force, impossible to defeat.? Churchill

held this view in source H, when he implies that Hitler will not stop at one or

two countries, but keep going at his own will.?

Appeasement was therefore wrong. ??????????? The

determination of Hitler to conquer Eastern Europe was however, known right from

the very start.? He made no secrets out

of building his ?Third Reich? and so in a way, appeasement was pointless.? Whatever obstacles were put in Hitler?s way,

he would still get the land that he wanted.?

The promises that he made to Chamberlain were worthless, and whether or

not Chamberlain had agreed to the demands at Munich, Hitler would have gone on

ahead with his invasion plan. ??????????? Because

Chamberlain did however agree to Hitler?s demands, with every invasion, his

confidence grew and grew.? By the time

he reached Poland, he was extremely aggressive.? If Hitler had been stopped earlier, then he would have been less

powerful and less likely to invade any more countries. ??????????? There

was a very real fear of another war, because after the First World War, the

death and destruction had been seen by everybody.? Backed up by sources A, D, and E, it was imperative to appease

Hitler in order to stop more death.?

Source A actually relates how another war must not be allowed to happen,

and sources D and E say how good it is that lives have been saved by

appeasement.? Therefore, the opinion was

held that world war was unnecessary over a distant country like

Czechoslovakia.? However, in my opinion,

appeasement did not save any lives, it only postponed the death, because war

happened in the end anyway. ??????????? Britain

had to want a war, and as we have seen in the previous question, Britain didn?t

in 1938.? This is backed up by source E,

?this was not the case in September 1938?.?

She needed time to rearm herself. ?Therefore, Chamberlain appeased Hitler until Britain wanted a war

and until the people were ready.?

However, I believe that this was pointless.? If Britain hadn?t appeased Hitler, he may have backed away and

then war would never have started anyway.?

I also believe that Britain would not have rearmed at all if Chamberlain

felt that the people were safe.? If they

didn?t think this, it is obvious that he had no faith in appeasement, and so

the whole thing was pointless anyway.?

In any case, Britain was still not armed when the time for war came in

1939. ??????????? The

USSR had a part to play in appeasement too.?

On the one hand, by appeasing Hitler, Russia could not spread westwards

and introduce the feared Communism to Britain.?

However, appeasement scared the USSR because they believed that Britain

would not support Czechoslovakia and them as well.? The result of this fear was the Nazi-Soviet Pact and in my

opinion, that was an extremely fatal move; it allowed Germany to start war.? Appeasement had therefore cause another

massive problem. ??????????? Looking

purely at the sources, I will see if they back up my view.? Sources I and H are both for the idea of

war.? They have the strongest points to

put across, ?disaster?, ?a bully?, and these are the feelings that I have

expressed above.? On the other hand,

sources G, E, D and A are all for appeasement, thinking that it saved many

lives.? It only did this in the short

term, not totally stopping war. ??????????? In

conclusion, it is difficult to make a judgement.? There are arguments for and against appeasement, but I believe

that what Chamberlain did at the Munich Conference was wrong.? Not only did it give over part of a helpless

country, but it did not avert war in the long run anyway.? Indeed, the evidence points to the fact that

the war may not have been so bad if Hitler had been stopped earlier. I am

however, writing with hindsight, and so at the time, appeasement may have

seemed the best option, and this is a valid point.? The sources do not however, all point to the fact that appeasement

was a good idea, and so hindsight is not really a problem when answering this

question as I have both sides of the argument to form a judgement from. ??????????? The

arguments for appeasement are in some cases reasonable, most of all the one

about avoiding death, but this was not avoided anyway.? In my opinion, appeasement was wrong and an

earlier war would have been the only way to stop Hitler.