
Comparison Of Macbeth Essay Research Paper Comparison

Comparison Of Macbeth Essay, Research Paper

Comparison of Macbeth and Lord of the Flies

Macbeth is one of the protagonist in a Shakespeare play “Macbeth”.

Jack is also a protagonist in the novel “Lord of the Flies”. The following

essay will outline the differences and similarities of these two


There are five similarities between Jack and Macbeth. Firstly, they

were both leader of some kind. Jack was a leader of a choir group while

Macbeth was a co-leader of Duncan’s army. Secondly, they were brave. Jack

was brave, he went up to the top of the hill by himself and searched for

the beast. Macbeth was brave too, he won the battle in the beginning of

the story. Thirdly, they were both ambitious. Jack was the leader of the

hunting party in the beginning of the story, but he wanted to become the

leader of the entire group on the island. Macbeth wanted to become the

king of Scotland after having the conversation with the three witches.

Fourthly, they both became more cruel as they gained more power. After

Jack formed his own group and set up a camp on Castle Rock, he became more

cruel than before. For Macbeth, he hesitated six times before killing

Duncan. But when he planned to kill Banquo and Macduff’s family, he didn’t

hesitated and killed them without regret. Lastly, they were both

superstitious. Jack was superstitious, he worshipped the Lord of the Flies

and held a ritual dance around the camp fire after sacrificing the pig.

For Macbeth, he believed in the fortune telling of the three witches.

(Quote: All hail Macbeth, hail to thee, Thane of Glamis. All hail Macbeth,

hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor. All hail Macbeth, that should become king

here after.)

There are five differences between Jack and Macbeth. Firstly, their

ages were different. Jack was a teenager while Macbeth was an adult with a

wife. Secondly, they have different endings. Macbeth was killed in the

end of the story while Jack was rescued. Thirdly, Jack kills to

consolidate his power while Macbeth kills to success his goal. Jack’s goal

was achieved in the middle of the story, he had to maintain his power over

others. For Macbeth, he had to kill other people in order to have a chance

to become king of Scotland. Fourthly, Macbeth was evil in the beginning of

the story while Jack was innocent, but he became more evil as the story

progress. Macbeth used his evil mind to plan all the murders while Jack

tried to help the group out by forming the hunting party in the beginning,

but he wanted to kill Ralph later. Lastly, no one can harm Jack while

somebody had the power to harm Macbeth. Macduff killed Macbeth in the

battle of Dunsinane while Ralph had no power to harm Jack. Ralph had to

hide when Jack became the leader of the island.

In conclusion, Jack was good in origin while Macbeth was evil and

cruel. They both had a common goal, it was to get more power in order to

become a leader. Greed for power will results in cruelty, killings and

finally revenge.
