Київ 2003
ББК 81.2 Англ.
С 49
Т. А. Гузік, канд. пед. наук
(Київський національний економічний університет)
Е. І. Щукіна, Т. І. Петрова, кандидати пед. наук
(Київський національний університет будівництва і архітектури)
Рекомендовано на засіданні кафедри іноземних мов ФЕФ
Протокол № 10 від 06.06.2002 р.
Слухай та говори англійською про економіку: Посібник
С 49 з аудіювання для студ. / Уклад. Р. А. Гаращенко, Н. А. Мовчанюк. — К.: КНЕУ, 2003. — 98 с.
ISBN 966-574-444-5
Посібник з аудіювання для студентів економічних факультетів містить комплекс завдань та вправ до текстів та діалогів з фахової тематики, які записані на аудіокасеті.
Мета посібника — розвиток навичок та вмінь сприйняття на слух мовних моделей, з подальшим використанням їх у процесі обговорення проблемних питань за фахом, а також формування навичок письма.
Посібник може бути використаний як на аудиторних заняттях, так і для самостійної роботи студентів.
У кінці книги для студентів є словник спеціальних термінів (Glossary), який сприятиме збагаченню словникового запасу студентів економічних спеціальностей.
ББК 81.2 Англ.
1. Pre-Listening Task
1.1. Do you feel all companies must be predominantly marketoriented?
1.2. Is there a danger that if a company is too market-oriented it will ignore other ingredients of success such as efficient production?
You will hear a discussion about the direction a certain company should take. There are five participants. Each expresses a different view. These views can be summarized as follows:
A. The production concept
The company should focus on improving production and distribution efficiency.
B. The product concept
The company should focus on making product improvements.
C. The selling concept
The company should focus its effort on selling and promotion.
D. The marketing concept
The company should focus on the needs of its customers.
E. The societal marketing concept
The company should consider the needs not only of its customer but also of society as a whole.
As you listen to the discussion, allocate one of the concepts (A— E) to each of the speakers (1—5):
Speakers Concept
1 2 3 4 5
3.1. How does speaker 1 aim to bring down prices?
3.2. How does speaker 3 intend to develop a strategy for the future?
3.3. What added dimension does speaker 4 include?
3.4. Why does speaker 5 mention the Japanese?
4.1. Opinion-giving
Look at the following sentences taken from the Listening passage:
«I feel we must certainly ensure quality...»
«As I see the problem, the major focus...»
Now substitute the italicized phrases in the sentences below with the closest equivalent selected from the following list:
I feel In my opinion It’s certain
We could discuss What we must do is I tend to think
I’m sure that From this point of view
1. As I see it, we should double our development investment.
2. What we have to do is withdraw from this sector.
3. I think we can’t continue as we are.
4. I’m inclined to believe we should leave this sector.
5. I’m convinced that we must stay in this sector.
6. We might consider a gradual withdrawal from the market.
7. There’s no doubt we can’t leave it any later.
8. From this angle, we have no alternative.
4.2. Agreeing and disagreeing
Look at the following sentences taken from the Listening passage
«I think we’d all agree with you as far as you go».
«I’m not sure I agree with either of you».
Now match opposing comments in terms of strength/neutrality/weakness, for example: I agree — I disagree.
1. I think we’d all agree | a. That’s interesting but |
2. I’m 100 per cent with you! | b. I’m inclined to disagree |
3. I can see what you mean | c. There’s no way we can agree to that |
4. You’ve got a point | d. I disagree entirely! |
5. I tend to agree with you | e. It looks as though there’s no agreement |
6. We can certainly agree to that | f. I’m not sure I understand your point of view |
What are the opposites of the following words and expressions?
Use a dictionary if necessary.
1. improvement
2. available
3. competitive
4. effective
5. inside-out
6. investment
7. to bring down prices
8. to stay ahead
9. mass-market
Discuss the probable management philosophies of the following companies:
A traditional family-run company manufacturing machine tools.
A large national utility providing a service throughout the country.
1.1. Do you feel that the process of conglomeration («big is beautiful») will continue into the next century?
1.2. What do you see as the dangers of diversification?
Listen to the extract from the consultant’s presentation. As you
listen complete Chart 1.
Chart 1
Phrase | Function |
1. By the way | a. To open a new point |
2. As I was saying earlier | b. To close a point |
3. In a nutshell | с. То digress |
4. That deals with the question of distribution | d. To connect two points |
5. I’ll come to that point later | e. Tо refer backwards |
6. Let me conclude by saying | f. To refer forwards |
7. Let’s turn now to the question of | g. To return to your structure |
8. There’s a further point I’d like to make | h. To make an additional point |
9. This brings me to the next point | i. To summarise |
10. Let me get back to what I was saying | j. To conclude |
Decide how many of the words on the right can be combined with the verbs on the left.
For example:
to achieve + a. objectives
+ d. profits
1. to achieve | a. objectives |
2. to generate | b. strategy |
3. to launch | с. needs |
4. to phase out | d. profits |
5. to hold | е. a product |
6. to build up | f. market share |
7. to formulate | |
8. to meet |
Write a summary of the consultant’s analysis and recommended
objectives. Add some possible strategies to achieve these objectives.
1. Pre-Listening Task
1.1. Would you fill in a market research questionnaire sent to you by mail?
1.2. Do you always respond honestly to market research interviews?
Listen to the discussion about contact methods in market research. As you listen, complete Chart 2 using the following code to signify the strengths and weaknesses of the three methods:
- = excellent 0 = satisfactory
-= good × = poor
Chart 2
| Telephone | Personal |
1. | Flexibility | |
2. | Amount of data that can be collected | |
3. | Control of interviewer bias | |
4. | Control of sample | |
5. | Speed of data collection | |
6. | Response rate | |
7. | Cost |
3.1. What is meant by interviewer bias?
3.2. Why is the response rate very low for mail questionnaires?
3.3. What is the difference between a street interview and a focus group?
4.1. Comparison of adjectives
Look at the following sentences taken from the Listening passage:
«The cost will be considerably lower than the other methods».
«You tend to get more honest answers…»
Now complete the following sentences using the adjective in brackets:
1. Our production methods have become much _______. (modern)
2. It’s become __________ to forecast our results. (easy)
3. My new job is much ____. (interesting)
4. We did a lot ________ than we expected. (good)
5. He couldn’t have done ________. (bad)
6. We need to use a ____________ approach than we have been employing. (direct)
7. Our aims have become much _______ as the market has become more segmented. (narrow)
8. I feel the problem is _______ than you are saying. (superficial)
9. It’s _________ than we anticipated. (funny)
10. Our share is slightly ________ than forecast. (high)
4.2. Adjective modification — degree
Look at the following sentences taken from the Listening passage:
«Mail questionnaires are much less flexible...» «It’s a lot more flexible…»
Now classify the following modifiers as: (A) strong, (B) neutral, (C) weak.
1. moderately
2. a little
3. slightly
4. considerably
5. quite a lot
6. a lot
7. much
8. somewhat
9. a bit
Complete the table below with suitable adjectives:
Concept Adjective Opposite adjective size large/big small cost
NOTE: In many cases there is more than one possible adjective.
Write a short memo comprising:
a summary of different contact methods,
conclusions on the best method, and
1. Pre-Listening Task
1.1. How important do you feel a company’s image is in terms of
product sales?
1.2. Do you think pressure groups such as environmentalists have a positive or negative influence on a manufacturing company’s development?
Listen to an extract from a meeting between a marketing director and his public relations manager. They are talking about the company’s planned PR activities. As you listen, complete Chart 3.
Chart 3
Publics | Planned action |
Financial institutions | |
Media | |
Government | |
Pressure groups | |
Local community | |
General public | |
Employees |
3.1. What does PR stand for?