
работа (стр. 4 из 7)

Школьный Интернет

- избавляет от потери времени при загрузки сайтов, так как у нас связь, к сожалению, не прочная и не быстрая (рисунки, фото загружаются долго)

- выгоднее экономически

- учитель более качественно может подготовиться к уроку, просматривая неоднократно материал из Интернет

- у учащихся появляется интерес к работе в сети Интернет дома, поиска интересной информации.

Фотографии с изображением великих людей Америки, флаг Америки

Запись на доске:


Key words: to discover, discovery, settlement, Founding Fathers, advantage, a system of taxes, the Declaration of Independence, the Emancipation Proclamation.

Proper names: Christopher Columbus, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, Benjamin Franklin, Eleanor Roosevelt, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, J.F.Kennedy.


I. The discovery of America.

II. American Founding Fathers:

1. Thomas Jefferson

2. Alexander Hamilton

3. Benjamin Franklin

III. American Presidents:

1. George Washington

2. Abraham Lincoln

3. J.F.Kennedy

IV. The women in American history.

1. Eleanor Roosevelt.

Ход урока:

1.Организационный момент.

Сообщение учащимся о целях и задачах урока

Good morning, children. Let's begin our lesson. Today we have an unusual lesson. I’d like to call your attention to some information about the life of famous American people. The aim of our lesson is to get to know more about famous American people using Internet.

2. Основная часть урока

I. The discovery of America.

I. 1

First of all we shall speak about the discovery of America. I have some questions to you. Please, answer them:

1. Who discovered America?

2. When did Christopher Columbus discover America?

These are two most important questions about America. But it’s clear that you know more about it. Please tell us about the discovery of America.

Пример одного из рассказов учащихся.

America was founded by Columbus in 1492. Columbus fled to this country because of persecution by Ferdinand and Isabella, who refused to believe the world was round, even when Columbus showed them an egg. Before Columbus reached America he cried "Ceylon! Ceylon!" because he wanted to see India, which was engraved on his heart, before he died. When he arrived, he cried again. This time he cried " Excelsior!" meaning "I have founded it!”

Columbus was mistaken in thinking he had reached India when actually he had not got even as far as Indiana.

The original Indians are still known as "Indians", while all manner of immigrants from England, Ireland, Angora, and Liechtenstein are referred to as "Americans".

I. 2

And now I want you to listen to another version of the discovery of America. It is rather short, but amusing. You will listen to it and will answer my questions.

" Some people say it was not Columbus who discovered America but a man named Leaf Ericson. Leaf came from one of the Scandinavian countries with a shipload of people, all of whom were called Yon Yonson or Ole Olson or Big Swede, and went straight to Wisconsin, where he unloaded his passengers and went back for more.

On his next trip he went to Minnesota.

We know all this from some undecipherable remarks he made on a piece of stone. This stone has since become an utter rune."


1. What version seems you more fantastic and why?

2. Who discovered America by this version?

3. Who was Leaf Ericson?

4. What USA states did he visit?

5. Can we read any of his remarks?

II. American Founding Fathers.

II. 1

Обзор сайтов http://www.whitehouse.gov/history/presidents/ и http://www.whitehouse.gov/

Используя демонстрационный компьютер, подключённый к Интернет, учитель делает краткий обзор сайтов http://www.whitehouse.gov/history/presidents/ и http://www.whitehouse.gov/

II. 2

You know that America owes a great deal to its Founding Fathers.

These were a group of people, which determined that their children would have the advantages, which they themselves had been denied. Between American Founding Fathers we can point out Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, Benjamin Franklin.

В классе десять компьютеров. Они не имеют возможность выхода в Интернет. Учащиеся работают в школьном Интернете в режиме off-line. Учащиеся работают группами по 8 человека (всего 3 группы). Группы подразделяются на две подгруппы (у каждой свой компьютер). Группы собираются произвольно (первая часть урока посвящена Отцам-Основателям и я предлагаю собрать группы, проведя небольшую работу: всем детям раздаются в произвольном порядке части положений из «Декларации Независимости»; всего положений три – по числу групп, каждое положение написано определенным цветом и разделено на 8 частей (по количеству детей в группе)


All men
are created equal,
They all
are endowed
by their creator
with certain inalienable rights
among these are life, liberty
and the pursuit of happiness
WHEN in the Course of human Events,
it becomes necessary for one People
to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them with another,
and to assume among the Powers of the Earth,
the separate and equal Station
to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them,
a decent Respect to the Opinions of Mankind requires
that they should declare the causes which impel them to the Separation.

Дети собираются в группы исходя из цвета высказывания, они собирают все высказывание целиком читают его вслух, переводят его на русский язык и таким образом знакомятся с главной работой Отцов-Основателей.

В директории «9 класс» находятся три папки “American Founding Fathers”, “American Presidents”, “The women in American history”, в которых размещены странички с информацией, полученной с сайтов. На компьютерах установлена программа - электронный словарь, которым учащиеся могут пользоваться во время чтения текста. Задача каждой группы - понять содержание текстов, обсудить его и поделиться информацией с учащимися других групп.

We have some texts. Most of these texts are published on http://www.whitehouse.gov/history/presidents/ It is interesting to know new facts about the life of famous people. The first group has to read texts from the folder American Founding Fathers”, the second –from the American Presidents and the third – from the The women in American history. Please, get a text (according to your task), read it, use the electronic dictionary, discuss it in groups, prepare a short retelling of your message. One person of your group will tell us about your message. You may ask questions each other.

Учащиеся работают в группах, учитель подходит к каждой группе, помогает с переводом и составлением пересказа, если это необходимо.

II. 3 Устные высказывания учащихся по теме “American Founding Fathers”.

Несколько учеников от первой группы кратко пересказывают прочитанное, следуя пунктам плана. Остальные члены группы дополняют высказывание или отвечают на вопросы учащихся других групп. Затем они задают вопросы учащимся по теме своего высказывания (не более пяти вопросов)

Пример рассказов учащихся.

Thomas Jefferson one of the American President of the past, was born in Virginia in 1743. When he was 14 years old, his father died and the young boy was left to choose for himself what to do.

Jefferson studied literature and languages. He also studied to be a lawyer, and later he wrote many of the Virginia laws.

When Jefferson was still a young man he was one of those who wanted freedom from England.

His most outstanding achievement was as chief author of the Declaration of Independence, a statement of human rights and liberties. In years following he laboured to make its words a reality in Virginia.

The author of the Declaration of Independence did another important thing for the American people.

He worked out a plan for a university where the students and teachers could live and work together in a village build for them. It was one of the first schools to teach science.

Benjamin Franklin, born January 17, 1706, was the 10th son, and 15th child, of 17 children in the Josiah Franklin family. For five years, Franklin sought to master the printers' trade. During this time, he also strove to improve his education. Franklin read numerous classics and perfected his writing style. By 1730, Franklin had his own business. In the 1740's, Franklin began experimenting with electricity, which led to the invention of the lightning rod. By 1748, Franklin had sold his printing business to devote himself to his scientific experiments. Franklin was a plump, well-rounded man who invented almost as many things as Jefferson, including silkworms, whisk brooms, the Franklin stove, and bifocals. As Postmaster General, he instituted general delivery and also established the dead-letter office, a place for keeping letters from people who were deceased. He also made it possible for congressmen to send their letters free, which later became known as the Franklin Privilege.

When Franklin was seventy, he was sent to Paris to see what he could do to improve relations with the French, and he said to have done extremely well despite his age.

Alexander Hamilton was born at Nevis, in the West Indies, January 11, 1757. He was sent to New York City to be educated. He was a student of unusual precocity. He began writing political pamphlets at the age of seventeen. In 1782 Hamilton was in the Continental Congress. Hamilton, a reactionary, was opposed to dept. In order to pay the costs of the war against the British, he established a mint. Hamilton also instituted a system of taxes, which the people of America accepted willingly as soon as Hamilton assured them he was not British. Hamilton supported the businessmen.

Примерные вопросы

1. Who framed the Declaration of Independence?

2. Who made it possible for congressmen to send their letters free?

3. Who instituted a system of taxes?

III. American Presidents

Устные высказывания учащихся по теме“American Presidents”.


You know that almost each country has its president. And America, during its history, had many presidents. Today we shall speak about three of them: George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and J.F.Kennedy.

Несколько учеников от второй группы кратко пересказывают прочитанное. Остальные члены группы дополняют высказывание или отвечают на вопросы учащихся других групп. Затем они задают вопросы учащимся по теме своего высказывания (не более пяти вопросов)

Пример рассказов учащихся.

George Washington. On April 30, 1789, George Washington, standing on the balcony of Federal Hall on Wall Street in New York, took his oath of office as the first President of the United States. "As the first of every thing, in our situation will serve to establish a Precedent," he wrote James Madison, "it is devoutly wished on my part, that these precedents may be fixed on true principles."