
Section A Grammar reference (стр. 6 из 6)

  1. The boss told me: “Don’t forget to send the order to Archer&Sons.” – The boss reminded not to forget to send the order to Archer&Sons.
  2. The manager told Mr. Collins: “Would you finish the report as soon as possible, please?” – The manager asked Mr. Collins to finish the report as soon as possible.
  3. Mr. King told his secretary: “You can leave early if you like.” – Mr. King allowed his secretary to leave early if he liked.
  4. We had to work hard on the training course. – They made….
  5. The staff may have a break every hour. – The boss lets the staff have a break every hour.
  6. The demand is falling. The plant has to reduce its production. – The fall in demand has forced the plant to reduce its production.
  7. He was talking to someone on the phone. I heard him. – I heard he talking to someone on the phone.
  8. I saw Mr. Jenkins. He was waiting for the Sales Manager. – I saw Mr. Jenkins waiting for the Sales Manager.
  9. I want to introduce to you the new head of the Research and Development Department. – Let me introduce to you the new head of the Research and Development Department.
  10. Mr. Wilson arrived yesterday. I saw him. – I saw Mr. Wilson arrive yesterday

Упражнение IX. Выберите правильную форму глагола.

  1. She dislikes (to be told/ being told) how to run the department.
  2. We look forward to (establish/ establishing) business relations with your company.
  3. She hopes (to be sent/ being sent) to our Paris office when it opens next year.
  4. The Sellers agreed (to deliver/ delivered) the first lot of goods in September.
  5. We are ready (to sign/ signing) the contract if you reduce the price by 3%.
  6. They suggested (to discuss/ discussing) the terms of the credit agreement.
  7. I phoned Mr. Taylor after (to send/ sending) him an e-mail message.
  8. At out last meeting in September we discussed the possibility of (adapting/ to adapt) this system to your company’s requirements.
  9. They promised (placing/ to place) some new orders with our company next year.
  10. Kerr&Co would like (to modify/ modifying) their old model.

Упражнение X. Раскройте скобки, употребив герундий или инфинитив.

  1. We expect great difficulties in delivering the last lot of goods.
  2. They insist on discussing this matter at the next meeting
  3. The Seller guarantees to correct all the defects within a week.
  4. I look forward to seeing you on Friday.
  5. We were not satisfied with the service they provided, so we refused to pay them.
  6. Try to ask Mrs. Jenkins for help. She usually doesn’t mind dealing with difficult customers.
  7. When she finished speaking she asked if anyone had any questions.
  8. Our profits are up this year, so I expect my boss to give me a pay rise.
  9. Would you mind to ring me back later today?
  10. Our British partners agreed to offer us a 6% discount if we increased our order.

Упражнение XI. Перепишите предложения, подставив в пропуски слова из приведенного ниже списка.

advert agree appointment cancel competitive consider enclose further immediately supply

  1. The Director was ill yesterday and had to ____ cancel ______ the meeting.
  2. How did you learn about our company? – I saw an ____ advert _______ in a business journal.
  3. We have discussed the price and the method of payment. Can we___ consider _______ the matter of delivery now?
  4. With the letter we ____ enclose _______ our latest catalogue and the price-list.
  5. Do our terms suit you? – I’m afraid we can’t ____ agree _______ to your price. It’s too high.
  6. I have an _____ appointment _______ with Mr. Tanaka for Monday at 5 p.m.
  7. Offer the latest models of our equipment of high quality at ____ competitive _______ prices.
  8. Could you deliver the goods _____ immediately _____? – I’m afraid we have too many orders now and can dispatch the first lot only in May.
  9. Bronson&Co have been our partners for 30 years and we hope for ____ further ______ cooperation with them.
  10. Please let us know if you can ___ supply _______ us with 20 computers.

Упражнение XII. Письменно переведите следующий текст.

Mr. Brown is a successful American businessman. He has been in business for about fifteen years. His company produces good equipment. The equipment sells well in his own country. But three years ago he realized he needed more customers. He wanted foreign firms to buy his equipment. He began looking for new customers in foreign markets.

After his company had entered some European markets, Mr. Brown decided to go to Russia to study the possibility to supply his goods to Russian companies.

Mr. Brown believed that one of the best preparations for a trip was reading about the country to which he was going. He learnt a lot about Russian economy, the country’s trade, its main suppliers, etc.

Before leaving for Russia he contacted the commercial representative of his country in Russia to get some information about the market and import duties. He also wondered if there were any changes in Russian business law.

His secretary booked a ticket, accommodation, and made some business appointments for her boss.

Мистер Браун успешный американский бизнесмен. Он вел бизнес в течение пятнадцати лет. Его компания производит хорошее оборудование. Оборудование хорошо продается в его собственной стране. Но три года назад он понял, что нуждается в большем количестве покупателей. Он хотел, чтобы иностранные фирмы покупали его оборудование. Он начал искать новых покупателей на внешних рынках.

После того, как его компания вышла на некоторые европейские рынки, мистер Браун решил пойти в Россию, чтобы изучить возможность поставлять свои товары российским компаниям.

Мистер Браун полагал, что одно из лучших приготовлений к поездке это чтение о стране, в которую он собирается. Он узнал много о российской экономике, торговле страны, ее главных поставщиках, и т.д.

Перед отъездом в Россию он связался с коммерческим представителем своей страны в России, чтобы получить некоторую информацию о рынке и импортных налогах. Он также задавался вопросом, были ли какие-либо изменения в российском торговом праве.

Его секретарь забронировал билет, размещение, и назначил некоторые деловые встречи для ее босса.

Упражнение XIII. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

1. Where is Mr. Brown from? He is from America.

2. Is he an experienced businessman? Yes, he has been in business for about fifteen years.

3. What does his company produce? His company produces good equipment.

4. When did Mr. Brown realize that he needed new customers? Three years ago

5. Where did he want to sell his equipment? In Russia

6. Why did he decide to go to Russia? He wanted to study the possibility to supply his goods to Russian companies

7. What did Mr. Brown read about before his visit to Russia?

He was reading about the country to which he was going, about Russian economy, the country’s trade, its main suppliers, etc.

8. Who did he contact before the trip? he contacted the commercial representative of his country in Russia

9. What information did Mr. Brown get from him?

He got some information about the market and import duties and if there were any changes in Russian business law.

10. How did his secretary help him to get prepared for the trip?

His secretary booked a ticket, accommodation, and made some business appointments for him.