
Semantic and stylistic aspect of euphemisms in modern english (стр. 7 из 7)




hyperactive - attention deficit disorder
illegal worker - undocumented worker
imprisoned - incarcerated
informer - confidential source
jail - secure facility
jungle - rain forest
juvenile delinquent problem child at-risk child
kill - put down to sleep
to kill on a mass basis - to liquidate
killing of innocents - collateral damage
lawyer - attorney
lazy - unmotivated
make love - sleep with
money - funds
mortuary funeral home funeral parlor
mortuary funeral home funeral parlor

APPENDIX A (continuation)




multi-racial - diverse
murder kill, do someone in finish off someone
noisy - boisterous
office equipment - productivity, products
old mature, distinguished, senior, traditional seasoned, new (the house is 2 years new)
old person senior, citizen pensioner
old person’s home convalescent hospital, retirement home rest home, nursing home
one-room apartment studio apartment efficiency
pay (n) remuneration salary
person representative individual
perspire perspiration sweat
police officer - peace officer
poor children - at-risk children
poor nation emerging nation, developing nation third-world nation
poor student underachiever underperformer

APPENDIX A (continuation)




power failure - service interruption
prison - correctional facility
prisoner inmate, convict detainee
problem issue challenge complication
rain snow, hail precipitation
remedial education - special education
removed from duty - put on administrative leave
repression (social, political) - law and order
retarded special, slow mentally challenged
rough - physical
rude - self-centered
sales - marketing
sales man - woman - sales associate
say indicate, disclose mention
secretary - administrative assistant
sexual relationship involvement, intimate affair

APPENDIX A (continuation)




sick indisposed, ill under the weather
small quant, cozy petite
to suicide (to commit) to end it all, take the easy way out do oneself in
teacher - educator
theft - inventory shrinkage
tip - gratitude
toilet men’s room, workroom, restroom, bathroom, wc lavatory
tramp - homeless person
ugly unattractive plain
underwear (women’s) - lingerie
unemployed between jobs taking time off
unreserved seating general admission festival seating
used (adj) previously-owned, pre-owned second-hand
vagrant - homeless person
venereal disease - social disease


General classification of euphemisms and dysphemisms from the psychological point of view

Generating motives


euphemisms dysphemisms

Feeling of politeness or impoliteness

Mental defects

barmy, dense, soft, queer, leather-head, to go off one’s mind, to be off one's loop, to be off one's rocker; dork, dumb-ass, dullard, to have bats in one's belfry;

Physical defects

disable, handicapped, aurally challenged, aurally handicapped, physically challenged, physically handicapped, mentally challenged, impaired hearing; cripple, stupid;


senior, middlescence, third age, ageful (old), golden years, silver ager;

Social inequality

a) Afro-American, Native Americans Nigger Red Indian

Feeling of shame



affair, ballet, exploit; fuck;
skin flicks, adult movie, pill, to be in an interesting condition, sexual congress;
accommodation house, assignation house , disorderly house; drunkard, to dupe, to lick smb`s boots;

APPENDIX B (continuation)


rite (sacrament) of reconciliation;

Feeling of fear


to go west, to depart, to pass away, to draw one's last breath, to join the silent, to lose one's life, to join (great) majority, to go to meet one's maker, a leap in the dark; to kiss the dust, to kick the bucket, to croak,


Growth, Big C

Sympathy & compassion


shopping-bag lady, street person beggar


Classification of euphemisms according to the thematical subdivision

Religious euphemisms Excretory euphemisms Sexual euphemisms Euphemisms for job titles Euphemisms for death
Adonai (My Lord) Manure (work with the hands) Make love (sleep with) Sanitation engineer = janitor Fight a long battle with (death)
HaShem (the Name of God) Zoo Doo or Zoopoop (a brand of elephants manure) Affair, intimate relationship (sexual relationship) Transparent-wall maintenance officer = window cleaner Demise, end, destination, better world, afterlife (death)
He Who Must Not Be Named (Satan) To see a man about a dog (restroom) The Pill (methods of birth control) Diamond cutter = a job to mow the lawn at Yankee Stadium Pass away, pass on, expire, go to heaven (to die)
You – Know – Who (Satan) In the family way (pregnancy) Liaison (sexual relationship (illicit) Custodian = janitor Put down (animal euthanasia)
To powder one’s nose (bathroom) He valued his privacy (homosexual) Administrative assistant = secretory Left for the rats (death)
To have a bun in the oven (pregnancy) Cemetery operative = gravedigger Bent over the barrel (death)
Tired and emotional (drunk) Rodent officer = rat-catcher Screwed over (death)