
Розробка живої культуральної вакцини проти вірусної діареї великої рогатої худоби (стр. 7 из 7)

Разработан проект нормативной документации на вакцину живую культуральную против вирусной диареи крупного рогатого скота, который направлен на экспертизу в Государственный научно-контрольный институт биотехнологии и штаммов микроорганизмов и для согласования в Государственном комитете ветеринарной медицины Украины.

Ключевые слова: вирусная диарея, крупный рогатый скот, производственный штамм вируса, культура клеток, антигенные свойства, вакцина, иммунитет, иммуномодулятор, специфическая профилактика.

Malakeyeva–Chebanyuk Irina Vladislavovna. Development of an alive cultural vaccine against virus diarrhea of cattle.- Manuscript.

Dissertation presented for obtaining the scientific degree of a candidate of veterinary

sciences in speciality 16.00.03 – veterinary microbiology and virology. National scientific center «Institute of experimental and clinical veterinary medicine». Kharkiv, 2008.

Materials are defended that contain the experimental research results of alive cultural against virus diarrhea vaccine’s making technology development on the basis of a modified strain of BK-1M virus diarrhea and its immunogenic efficiency in laboratory and production conditions.

A calf coroner vessels cell culture is chosen that has a high productive ability in relation to forming a monolayer at roller cultivation, provides an active virus reproduction and accumulation of the virus output biomass for vaccine making.

Antigen vaccine’s properties and immunogenity of liquid and dry alive against virus diarrhea vaccine’s samples are studied in laboratory conditions on white mice, guinea-pigs, rabbits, and calves at the farms unfortunate in relation to virus diarrhea of cattle.

It is shown that attenuated virus diarrhea strain reproduced in the culture of revaccinated calf coronary vessels’ cells with the final infectiousness title of 7,6 lg ТCID 50/см3, actively induces virus neutralizing antibodies in the organisms of the vaccinated animals.

Proposed cells and virus cultivation technology allows to obtain non-contaminated with extraneous microflora (by bacteria, candida, viruses), harmless for animals and highly immunogenic vaccine. In a dose 2Ч105,45 ТCID 50/animal with a simultaneous injection with bacterial lipopolysaccharide from the calculation of 7 mkg/kg of animal mass, twice with a fortnight interval, it activates all links of the immune system in the organism of the vaccinated animals, providing induction of virus neutralizing antibodies in titles to 8,0 log2 and defense against virus diarrhea.

The developed project of normative documents on a vaccine alive cultural against virus diarrhea of cattle is sent for examination of The State Scientific Control Institute of Biotechnology and Strains of Microorganisms and coordination at the State Department of Veterinary Medicine of Ukraine.

Keywords: virus diarrhea, cattle, production virus strain, cell culture, antigen properties, vaccine, immunomodulator, specific prevention.