
Диахронический анализ грамматической омонимии прилагательных и наречий английского языка (стр. 3 из 6)

В среднеанглийском языке продолжают существовать унаследованные от древнеанглийского наречия, образованные от прилагательных при помощи суффикса -е, например fayre от прилагательного fayr “прекрасный”, faste от fast “крепкий”, “быстрый”.

Наряду с этим развивается сложившийся в древнеанглийском языке способ образования наречий при помощи суффикса -lic, перешедшего в среднеанглийском в -ly, например от special - specially, от thrifty - thriftily.

Основной процесс в области морфологии наречий, характеризующий новоанглийский период в отличие от среднеанглийского, заключается в том, что суффикс -ly стал единственным универсальным средством образования наречий от прилагательных. Этот суффикс можно принципиально присоединить к основе любого прилагательного, значение которого допускает образование наречия.

Среднеанглийские наречия с суффиксом -е , унаследованные от древнеанглийского периода, в связи с отпадением неударного -е, совпали по внешнему виду с прилагательными. Небольшое число таких наречий, не отличающихся по виду от прилагательных, сохранилось и в новоанглийском языке.

Ниже мы приводим выдержки из Большого Оксфордского Словаря, включающие в себя этимологию и дефиниции некоторых омонимичных прилагательных и наречий английского языка.

CLEAN adj.

1 claene (3-4 clane, 2 clone), 1-6 clene, 2-7 cleane, (4-6 cleyn(e, 4-7 cleen(e, (5 clen, kleane, klene, 5, 7 clayne) 6 - clean

1. Clear (1040)

2. Pure, undefiled, unsullied (1000)

3. Free from dirt or filth (897)

CLEAN adv.

Forms : see Clean adj.

1. Of manner : In a “clean” manner

2. In a manner free from dirt; or so as to leave no dirt, refuse, or obstructions. (1000)


1 claenlic, 4 clenlich, clanli, 5 -7 clenly, - lie, 6 clene - cleanely (clendly), 5 - cleanly

Claen + lic = Clean + body :

It appears to have been first used of moral and spiritual purity and thence extended to certain senses of clean but its main sense still refers to habit and tendency rather than to actual state.

1. Morally or spiritually clean. (888)

2. Clean as clothes or the like. (1340)

3. Of persons (or beasts) : Addicted to cleanness, habitually clean. (1500)


1 claenlice, 4 clenliche, clanlie, 5 -7 clenlye, - lie, 6 clene - cleanely (clendly), 5 - cleanly

1. In a cleanly manner (1000)

CLEAR adj.

3 -5 cler, (4 clier, clyre, clyer), 4 - 7 clere, 4 - 8 cleer, 5 - 7 cleere, (5 clure, 6 cleir, clar), 6 - 7 cleare, 6 - clear (a French borrowing).

1. Brightly shining, bright, brilliant. (1297)

2. a) Of the day, daylight: Fully light, bright; opposed to dusk, twilight. (1320)

b) Of the weather: sunshine, cloudless sky. (1297)

3. Transparent. (1300)

CLEAR adv. Forms : see CLEAR adj.

Clear is not originally an adverb, and its adverbial use arose partly out of the predicative use of the adjective, as in “the sun shines clear”; partly out of the analogy of natitive English adverbs which by loss of final - e had become formally identical with their adjectives especially of Clean adv. Which it has largely supplanted.)

1. Brightly, with effulgence, with undimmed or unclouded lustre. (1300)

2. † Distinctly. (1300) (now Clearly)

3. † Manifestly, evidently. (1562) (now Clearly)

4. With clear voice, distinctly. (1450)


1. † Brightly; luminously; transparently. (1350)

2. With optical distinctness. (1297)

3. Of mental vision: with full understanding, distinctly. (1350)

4. Manifestly, evidently. (1590)

CLOSE adj.

4 - 5 cloos, 4 - 6 clos, 5 cloce, (5 - 6 closse, 8 closs), 4 - close

1. Closed, shut; having no part left open. Often as extention of predicate as in “to shut close”. (1325)

2. Enclosed or shut in, esp. with walls or barriers. (1489)

3. Shut up in prison, confined. (1393)

4 shut up from observation, secret, occult. (1393)

CLOSE adv. Forms : see CLOSE adj.

(No strict dividing line can be drawn between the predicative uses of the adjective, and the adverbial use into which both gradually pass; but where the latter is fully developed, Closely is now preferred in ordinary prose.)

1. In (into) position in which the intervening place is closed up so that there is no interval; in immediate contact or proximity

a) Of the mutual proximity of ywo or more things. (1489)

b) Of the proximity of one thing to another. (1400)

2. † Secretly, covertly. (1387)

3. In strict confinement. (1399)


In a close manner; usually opposed to openly.

1. So as to leave no passage out or in. (1594)

2. Spec. With closed lips, inarticulately

3. † Secretly. (1423)

4. In close proximity. (1634)

DEAD adj.

1 - 3 dead, 2 - 3 daed, (3 deaed), 2 - 7 ded, (4 deede, deid, did, Ayenb. dyad, dyead), 4 - 6 deed, dede, 5 deyde, dyde, 6 dedde, 6 - 7 deade, 6 - dead.

1. That has ceased to live; deprived of life; in that state in which the vital functions and powers have come to an end and are incapable of being restored:

a) of men and animals (939)

b) of plants (1382)

c) of parts of organs of animals or plants. (1000)

To be dead was anciently used in the sense “to die”, and later in that of “to have died”.

2. Bereft of sensation or vitality; benumbed, insensible.

a) of parts of the body. (1225)

b) of persons: Deathlike, insensible, in a swoon. (1369)

DEAD adv. Forms : see DEAD adj.

1. In a manner or to degree characteristic of or suggesting death; with extreme inactivity, stillness etc.; utterly, profoundly, absolutely ( as dead asleep, dead calm); to extremity, “to death” (as dead run, dead tired)

Often connected with the qualified word by a hyphen, and thus passing into combinations. (1393)

b) With absolute or abrupt cessation of motion (or speech). (1856)

2. Hence more generally: Utterly, entirely, absolutely, quite.(1589)

3. Directly, straight. (“Dead against”). (1800)


1 - deadlic, 3 daedlich, diadlich, 3 - 4 deadlich, 3 - 5 dedlich, - lych, dedelik(e, 4 dedli, dedeli, dyadlich, dyeadlich, 4 - 5 deedli, 4 - 6 dedly, dedely, 5 deadlike, dedlyke, 5 - 6 deedly, 6 deadlie, - lye, deedely, dedlie, 6 - 7 Sc. deidly, deidlie, 5 - deadly

1. † Subject to death, mortal. (1000)

b) †A mortal; usually as pl. Mortals, human being. (1450)

2. † In danger of death, like to die. (1300)

b) †Of or belonging to death. (1470)

3. Causing death or fatal injury, mortal, fatal. (893)

b) As a quality of things: Having the property or capacity of causing death or fatal injury; poisonous, venomous, pestilential. (1380)


1 deadlice, 3 -4 deadliche, 4 - dyadliche, dedlyk, 4 - 6 dedely, 5 dedly, 6 - deedly, 7 deadlie, 6 - deadly

1. †In a way that causes death, mortally, fatally, to death. (1050)

b) †in a way that entails spiritual death

2. † Implacably, mortally; to the death. (1330)

3. In a manner suggesting or resembling death, as if dead, without animation. (1300)

4. To a fatal or extreme degree; “mortally”, “to death”; extremely, excessively. colloq. (1300)

DEAR Adjective

1 diore, 2 - 3 deore, 2 daere, 3 - 6 dere, 4 - 5 der, 4 - 7 deere, 5 -7 deir, 6 - 7 deare, 6 - dear

I of persons

1 glorious, noble, honorable, worthy [1000]

2.Regarded with personal feelings of high estimation and affection; held in a deep and tender esteem; beloved, loved. [1000]

II of things

3. Of high estimation, of great worth or value, precious, valuable [888]

B) precious in import or significance, important (1592)

4. Of a high price, high-priced, absolutely or relatively; costly, expensive (1044)

DEAR adverb

Forms : See DEAR adj.

1. At a high price; at great cost (usually with such words as buy, sell, cost, pay) (1000)

2. = dearly adverb 2 (1314)

DEARLY adverb

[DEAR adj. + Ly2]

1. In a precious, worthy or excellent manner; worthily, choicely, finely, richly (1000)

2. As one who is held dear; with feelings of tender affection (not used only with the verbs to love for its equivalents (1205)

DEEP adjective

1 diop, 2-3 deop, 2-5 dep, 4-6 depe, 5-7 deepe, 4 - deep

I literal senses

1 having great or considerable extension downward (854)

2 having great or considerable extension inward from the surface or exterior or backward from the front (1000)

3 having a (specified) dimension downward (1000)

4 of physical actions: extending to or coming from a depth (1483)

I I figurative senses

5 hard to fathom or get to the bottom of; penetrating far into a subject, profound (1000)

6 as an attribute of moral qualities or of actions in which sinking or abasement is present

DEEP adverb

1 diope, 3 diep, 3-6 depe, 4 dep, 5-7 deepe, 6 - deep

1 literal senses

Deeply; to,at,or with a great or specified depth; far down

2 Figurative sense

Deeply (in various figurative senses) profoundly, intensely, earnestly, heavily, etc.

As qualifying an adjective "deep" is obsolete (excluding with words of color as deep-red stain, where deep is historically an adjective; qualifying a verb, it is generally superseded in prose by deeply, although still used in particular cases (1000)

DEEPLY adverb

[DEEP adj. + Ly2]

1 to great or considerable depth, far downward, inward etc. (1400-50)

2 figurative With deep thought, insight, knowledge etc.; profoundly, thoroughly (888)

DIRECT Adjective

4-6 dy-, directe, 5 derect, 6 - direct

1. proceeding in a straight line or by the shortest course; straight; not oblique: a direct route.

2. proceeding in an unbroken line of descent: a direct descendant.

3. without intermediary agents, conditions, etc.; immediate: direct contact.

4. straightforward; frank; candid.


Forms : See DIRECT adj.

1. in a direct manner; directly; straight: Answer me direct.


[DIRECT adj + Ly2]

1.in a direct line, way, or manner; straight.

2.at once; without delay.

3.shortly; soon.

4.exactly; precisely: directly opposite the store.

5 openly or frankly; candidly: to speak directly

EASY Adjective

3-4 aisie, 3-5 eese, 4-6 esee, 6-8 easie, -ye, 4 - easy

1.requiring no great labor or effort; not hard or difficult.

2.free from pain, discomfort, worry, or care: an easy mind.

3.providing or conducive to ease or comfort; comfortable.

4.easygoing; relaxed: an easy disposition.

EASY Adverb

Forms : See EASY adj.

1. in an easy manner; easily; comfortably: to go easy; to take it easy.


4 aisieliche, eesely, 4-5 esely, 5-6 easely, 6 easly, 6 - easily

1.in an easy manner; with ease; without trouble.

2.beyond question; by far: easily the best.

3.likely; well: He may easily change his mind.


FAIR Adjective

1 faeger, 2-6 feir, 5-7 faire, 3-6 faier, 4-7 far(e, 2 - fair

1.free from bias, dishonesty, or injustice.

2.legitimately sought, done, given, etc.; proper under the rules: a fair fight.

3.a. (of the sky) bright; sunny; cloudless to half-cloudy.

4.of a light hue; not dark: fair skin.

5.pleasing in appearance; attractive: a fair young maiden.

FAIR Adverb

1 faegre, 3-4 as those of the adjective with the addition of -e, 5- coincident with those of the adjective.

1. in a fair manner: He doesn’t play fair.

2. favorably; auspiciously.


[FAIR adj. + Ly2]

1.in a fair manner; justly; impartially.

2.moderately; tolerably: a fairly heavy rain.

3.properly; legitimately: a claim fairly made.

4.clearly; distinctly: fairly seen.

5.so to speak; seemingly: ears fairly steaming with rage.

6.Obs. softly; gently.

7.Obs. courteously.

FAST Adjective

1-2 faest, 2 fest, 3 fasst, 4-6 faste, 3 - fast

1.moving or able to move, operate, function, or take effect quickly; quick; swift; rapid: a fast horse; a fast typist.

2.done in or taking comparatively little time: a fast race; fast work.

3.adapted to, allowing, productive of, or imparting rapid movement: a hull with fast lines.

4. closed and made secure, as a door, gate, or shutter

FAST Adverb

1 faeste, 3 faeste, feste, 3-6 faste, 3 fasste, 3 - fast

1.quickly, swiftly, or rapidly.

2.in quick succession: Events followed fast upon one another.

3.tightly; firmly: to hold fast.

4.soundly: fast asleep.

FREE Adjective

1 frio, 2-3 fri(e, 3-4 freo, 4 fry, frey, 6 frye, 2-6 fre, 4 - free.

1.enjoying personal rights or liberty, as one who is not in slavery or confinement.

2.pertaining to or reserved for those who enjoy personal liberty: living on free soil.

3.existing under, characterized by, or possessing civil and political liberties: the free nations of the world.

4.able to do something at will: free to act.

5.clear of obstructions or obstacles: The highway is now free of fallen rock.

FREE Adverb

Forms : See FREE adj.

1. in a free manner; freely.

2. away from the wind: a sailboat running free.

3. <for free> without charge: They mended my jacket for free.


OE freolice, ME freoliche, freliche, frely [Free adj. + Ly2]

1. Of one’s own accord, spontaneously, without constraint or reluctance

2. Without constraint or reseve in regard to speech: frankly, openly

3. Without restraint or restriction upon action or activity

HARD Adjective

1 heard, 2-4 herd, 3-7 harde, 4 - hard

1.not soft; solid and firm to the touch.

2.firmly formed; tight: a hard knot.

3.difficult to do or accomplish; fatiguing; troublesome: a hard task.

4.difficult or troublesome with respect to an action, situation, person, etc.: hard to please.

5.difficult to deal with, manage, control, overcome, or understand: a hard problem.

HARD Adverb

Forms : See HARD adj.

1. with great exertion; with vigor or violence; strenuously: to work hard.

2. earnestly, intently, or critically: to look hard at a decision.

3. harshly or severely.

4. so as to be solid, tight, or firm: frozen hard.


[HARD adj. + Ly2]

1.only just; almost not; barely: hardly any; hardly ever.

2.not at all; scarcely: That report is hardly surprising.

3.with little likelihood: He will hardly come now.

4.Brit. harshly or severely.



HIGH Adjective

1 heah, 2-3 heh, 2-4 heih, 3 haeh, 3-5 hey, 4-5 heyh, 4-6 heigh, 5 - high.

1.having a great or considerable height; lofty; tall: a high wall.

2.having a specified height: The tree is now 20 feet high.

3.situated above the ground or some base; elevated: a high ledge.

4.exceeding the common degree or measure; strong; intense: high speed; high color.

5.exalted, as in rank, station, or eminence: a high official.

HIGH Adverb

Forms : See HIGH adj.

1. at or to a high point, place, or level.

2 in or to a high rank or estimate: to aim high in political ambition.

3. at or to a high amount or price.

4. in or to a high degree.

5. luxuriously; richly; extravagantly: to live high.


[HIGH adj. + Ly2]

1.in or to a high degree; extremely: highly amusing; highly seasoned food.

2.with high appreciation or praise; admiringly: to speak highly of a person.

3.more than adequately; generously: a highly paid consultant.

[bef. 900]

JUST Adjective

A French borrowing : Juste

1.guided by reason, justice, and fairness.

2. done or made according to principle; equitable; proper: a just reply.

3. based on right; rightful; lawful: a just claim.